
9. This is what I listen to when I workout. Nearly on repeat. The rest of the album deserves a good listen, also.

8. Have you checked out American Craft Council? They have a great article, “In Defense of the Art History Major,” that focuses on our society’s money-driven discourse, which will eventually die out. “What endures in a civilization is not its spreadsheets and financial instruments but its plays and sculptures, its sonatas and paintings.” I think a balance is essential.

7. Petite Taupe, these are just the prettiest little lockets I ever did see. I’m also fond of your little headphone charms.

6. I have a pretty hefty confession coming: I have not read Wuthering Heights in its entirety. I’ve had two classes that required it, but with everything else I had going on, who wants to read Victorian prose? Well, I’m reading it now. In my leisure time. And admittedly, I love it. The limited edition Penguin Classic cover (illustrated by Ruben Toledo) caught my eye. I realize I, as an English major, should maybe not point that out. But what’s wrong with a great book that also has a great cover? Also of note, I want ALL OF THE PENGUIN CLASSIC INSPIRED MUGS I CAN HAVE.

5. Completely in love with this series by Amy Friend. “In a literal and somewhat playful manner, I aimed to give the photographs back to the light, hence the title of the series, Daré alla Lucé, an Italian phrase used to describe the moment of birth.”

4. I miss using white charcoal on black paper. Or using charcoal at all, really. When I take it back up, this will be at the top of my illustration list.

3. I am a huge fan of Matt Wisniewski’s collage work. The silhouettes combined with nature are lovely.

2. MON POMPADOUR: a blog dedicated to a love of Rococo. Look at this intricate beading! What a bustle. I found it while pinning this absurdly large hair photo.

1. I need some movie recommendations. Not that I have very much free time. But who’s watching what?